If you have access or functional needs which could impact your ability to promptly respond and evacuate a building or facility during an emergency, please review:



UCSB Emergency Services has created the Emergency Assistance Program to provide an opportunity for faculty, staff and students to create an emergency response action plan, identify a support team for special evacuation situations, download an Emergency Assistance Response ID Card and enroll in an automated emergency notification and response system. For questions please contact the ADA Compliance Officer (805) 893-7025 or (805) 893-2770.



Procedure for Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities

During emergencies when an elevator is not available for use, the following procedures have been developed to handle situations in multistory buildings for those unable to use the stairs:

  1. When the fire alarm is activated, designated personnel should assist/escort individuals with mobility disabilities to a safe location (enclosed stairwell landing that leads to an exterior exit at the ground level).
  2. Someone should remain with the individual while another person notifies arriving emergency personnel of the location of anyone who needs assistance.
  3. The instructions of the emergency responder should be followed, and no attempt should be made to move the individual to another building level unless there is imminent danger in the safe refuge, e.g., there is heavy smoke in the stairwell.
  4. Individuals unable to utilize the stairs and working alone should call 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone) and report the location of their planned refuge (stairwell landing).
  5. Anyone unable to reach a stairwell (for instance due to smoke), should close all doors into their area, call 911 (or 9-911 from a campus phone) and wait for emergency personnel to arrive.